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Can I Tan After Getting a Tattoo? Tanning With Tattoos

The sun is your tattoo's worst enemy! Luckily, here is a guide for everything tattoos and tanning related! Keep your tattoos looking fresh.
Vlogigurl Witchytat2 Tattoo Artist Author
Nadine Harvey
verified author
Tattoo Artist
Date Posted:
November 7, 2024
Can I Tan After Getting a Tattoo

“Will my tattoo fade when I get a tan or go tanning?” is one of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to tattoos. A lot of people have questions when it comes to tattoos and tanning, so we are going to answer them. Tattoos often have a deep meaning to people and can be quite expensive, so of course, you'll want to keep yours looking their best. We know that a rich, golden tan is the perfect way to make your tattoo pop, but before you jump in the sun, you have to take some steps to ensure that your tattoo stays vibrant. 

While you are able to do almost anything with a tattoo nowadays, you do have to be extra careful with your new ink in the sun. The sun can actually fade the ink, not to mention your actual skin is more sensitive to sun damage after the fact.

However, don’t allow this to stop you from getting a tan or having some fun in the sun. Just remember, you cannot forget to keep your skin protected from UV rays even after the tattoo is fully healed. Simply, when you have a brand new or older Tattoo you must use sunblock in the sun! 

Sunblock on your tattoo is the simple answer, but there is still more to know! So here is everything you need to know about your new tattoo and getting a sweet tan:

tattoos and tanning

Tanning with Tattoos

Here’s how you can protect your tattoo while sitting poolside in the sun or in a tanning bed. If you are planning to take the fun outside and get a nice tan going, make sure to cover your tattoo with the highest high-SPF sunscreen you can find. To avoid having a huge white spot around your tattoo, try to apply sunscreen with something small such as a Q-tip. Q-tips or other small objects will allow you to apply the sunscreen with control and precision. Make sure to consistently re-apply your sunscreen as the day goes on.

If you prefer to tan in a tanning bed rather than going outside the rules are somewhat similar. The main difference with a tanning bed is you have more control and options. Some companies offer a specially designed tattoo stick with SPF! These magic SPF tattoo sticks will allow for a thorough & complete application.

Colored ink fades faster than black ink, so make sure to be extra careful when dealing with a color tattoo. However, Vlogigurl, a professional tattoo artist, has said

The sun loves any dark colors, so darker or pure black tattoos will make your actual skin burn a lot easier. Colors will fade faster in the sun, but black ink can greatly affect your skin." - Vlogigurl

Vlogigurl new tattoo - tattoos and tanning

She continued by saying all tattoos tend to fade or have their color weaken when exposed to unprotected sunlight. Colors will fade easier and faster, darker tattoos will last longer, but can be more harmful to your skin. Simply, take care of your tattoos by keeping them completely out of the sun or take the proper precautions before going into the sun and your tattoos will look way better in the long run. Need more advise on tattoo aftercare? Check out Vlogigurl's The Ultimate Tattoo Aftercare Guide for everything that you need to know about tattoo aftercare.

Girl with tattoos in tanning bed

Tanning with Tattoos Main Points

Here are the key takeaways for tanning with tattoos:

  • Colored ink fades faster than black ink, black ink will make your actual skin burn a lot easier.
  • Put the highest high-SPF sunscreen you can find on your tattoos before going into the sun.
  • Avoid going into the sun the first 2-3 weeks after getting a new tattoo.
  • Tanning beds offer more control and options when it comes to tattoos.
  • Make sure to consistently re-apply your sunscreen.

Will the shade protect my tattoo?

If you are planning on spending the day outside, shade or no shade, we always recommend to put on at least one layer of sunscreen. If you have a brand new tattoo, play it extra safe and lather it up any chance you get. Shade is amazing for protecting your skin against the sun's rays, but don’t risk it when it comes to your tattoos. 

With all of that being said, sitting in the shade (with sunscreen on) is better than sitting in direct sunlight. 

Does shade protect my tattoo

Should you completely cover your tattoo when in the sun?

Similar to being in the shade, covering your tattoo with an article of clothing or something similar is way better than direct sunlight. However, we still highly recommend putting on sunscreen before covering it! The sun or any UV rays might be able to find their way through the cover and into your skin. You wouldn’t want to mess up your favorite tattoo when all it takes to protect it is one layer of sunscreen.

girl applying spf sunscreen to a tattoo

Is there a difference between new and old tattoos in the sun?

You should try your best to avoid having any direct sun or UV ray contact with your tattoos. Always cover up your tattoos or lather them up with high-SPF sunscreen. This holds especially true with a brand new tattoo. We recommend trying to try and avoid the sun completely when you have a brand new tattoo. Normally, tattoos only take 2-3 weeks to heal. Your tattoo will thank you if you just take those 2-3 weeks off of direct sunlight and let it heal in peace. 

Old and new tattoos can both fade and cause harm to your skin when in the sunlight, unprotected. New tattoos escalate the process and make the consequences much worse. Getting a brand new tattoo is similar to having an open wound on your body. If that part of your body gets a sunburn, you are basically doubling the damage on your skin. Making the healing process that much harder for your body. Also, it could affect the way your tattoo looks when fully healed. For other tips on tattoo aftercare make sure to visit Vlogigurl's FAQ page!

Older tattoos are still able to fade and make sunburns easier, in the sun. However, since older tattoos are already healed it is a lot less scary to take them in the sun. Either way, if you have a tattoo avoid unprotected direct sunlight. If you have a brand new tattoo, shade and sunscreen are your best friends.

women running in the sun with tattoos and sunscreen

The difference between new and old tattoos in the sun.

Here are the key takeaways for new and old tattoos in the sun:

  • Avoid going into the sun the first 2-3 weeks after getting a new tattoo.
  • New tattoos are more likely to fade in the sun.
  • Getting a sunburn on a new tattoo is basically doubling the damage on your skin.
  • Older tattoos are still able to fade and make sunburns easier.

What about spray tans and tattoos?

Luckily, for tanning enthusiasts, spray tans are a safer option to achieve a perfect tan if you have a healed tattoo. If your tattoo is completely healed, you can apply lotion or tanner to it like you would if you didn’t have a tattoo. Make sure your tattoo is completely healed before having any spray tan or lotion on it. A new tattoo is an opened wound and you should only apply safe creams on it until it is fully healed. Putting unsafe lotions or sprays on a new tattoo has the chance to cause infection or cause other problems. 

Since spray tans do not use UV ray technology, it is completely safe for tattoos. Since you are spraying your tattoo with a coloring spray, you might see a slight difference in how your tattoo looks. However, this is not permanent and will fade away naturally as your spray tan does. If you don’t want your tattoo to look different after a spray tan, we recommend to whip it off with a damp cloth immediately after.

female in the sun with new color tattoos

What should you do if you get a sunburn on a new tattoo?

We want to emphasize how important it is to avoid getting a burn on your brand new tattoo. This should be your first priority for the first 2-3 weeks after getting your new tattoo. However, if you do happen to get a sunburn on your new tattoo, don’t ignore it.

Firstly, we recommend calling your tattoo artist and asking his or her opinion on what you should do. Your tattoo artist always knows best! After that, try to completely avoid the sun while the burn is healing. Moisturize the spot that is affected and drink lots of water.

female in the sun tanning with new tattoos drinking water


If you do plan on getting your tan on, do what's best for your tattoo and put on high-SPF sunscreen. Shade and covers are also great ways to protect your tattoos. For new tattoos, we still highly recommend trying to try and avoid the sun for the first 2-3 weeks. Your tattoos will thank you by staying vibrant and clear! Need any other advice tattoo related advise, other than tanning and tattoos? Make sure to check out Vlogigurl’s blog and FAQ page, or simply keep scrolling down to see more articles. 

About the author


Meet Vlogigurl - tattoo artist extraordinaire, captivating model, and dynamic social media influencer. When she's not creating stunning tattoo art or striking a pose in front of the camera, she's sharing her experiences, tips, and artistic journey right here on her blog. She believes in sharing her world to inspire others, whether that's through a beautifully crafted tattoo or a behind-the-scenes look at her life in the spotlight. With an unwavering passion for her crafts and an eye for detail, Vlogigurl's words are sure to captivate, inspire, and entertain.

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