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Ink-free Artists: Can You Trust an Untattooed Artist?

Do you ever wonder if your tattoo artist must have tattoos in order to be good at tattooing? Can you trust a untattooed artist? Find out!
Vlogigurl Witchytat2 Tattoo Artist Author
Nadine Harvey
verified author
Tattoo Artist
Date Posted:
December 8, 2024
tattoo artist without any tattoos

It's a common misconception that tattoo artists must have tattoos to be qualified for their job. While there are many reasons why an artist might choose to ink their own skin, from personal expression to guaranteeing the best possible experience for clients, it is not required or expected that they do so. Read on to learn why you should trust your tattoo artist even if they aren't inked up.

Tattooist Don't Always Go Under The Needle.

Tattoo artists don't always get tattoos, but they're still skilled professionals. Just because they don't have ink doesn't mean they can't give you a good experience. You might be surprised to hear that some tattoo artists only get tattoos while they're in training, some on parts of the body that their clients will never see, like their backs or hands. Others only get specific designs that are important to them personally (and some even design custom tattoos for themselves!). But even if an artist has no tattoos at all, this doesn't mean they aren't a caring individual who will take great care of your skin and give you precisely what you want from your next piece of body art.

Your Tattoo Artist Can be Trusted

Your Tattoo Artist Can be Trusted

It's not that your tattoo artist should have tattoos. It's more about how much experience and skill they have as an artist. Their personality is also essential. If they don't have a portfolio of work, it might be a good idea to look elsewhere. And if their reputation isn't excellent, you may think twice before trusting them with your tattoo.

In short:

  • The most important thing is the artist's experience and skill in the art field (how long they've been doing this).
  • Next comes their personality and portfolio 
  • Finally, reputation matters too, but only slightly less than experience/skills

The Design is Most Important, not the Artist's skin.

You're right to be skeptical of a tattoo artist without tattoos. The design is most important, not the artist's skin. Tattoo artists are judged by the quality of their work, not the quantity of their tattoos. If they have no tattoos but can draw them well and apply them perfectly, you should trust them to transfer your artwork onto your body correctly.

If you're still unsure about trusting an Untattooed artist with your ink, ask yourself: do I trust my doctor with needles they haven't had in their own skin? Do I trust my dentist with drills that he or she hasn't had in his or her own mouth? Of course! Because these people are professionals who know how to handle sharp objects safely and correctly—and so does every other professional in any field worth its salt—including tattooing!

Is it Possible for a Tattoo Artist to Have no Tattoos?

A tattoo artist can have no tattoos, of course! There are many reasons why an artist may choose not to get tattoos, and some of them are as follows:

  • Tattoo artists who don't want their clients to have unrealistic expectations of the art they can create with their own skin.
  • Tattoo artists who don't want their clients to think that by getting tattooed, they will become more cool or edgy.
  • Tattoo artists who don't want their clients coming in only because they think it's trendy or cool.
  • Tattoo artists whose personal beliefs preclude them from receiving any form of permanent body modification, including piercings or scarification (tattoos on your skin).

Back-Dated Misconception!

The idea that all tattoo artists have to have tattoos is out of date. Tattoo artists are professionals; like any other professional, they can be good at their job without having tattoos.

The better question is: should you trust a tattoo artist with no tattoos? The answer is yes—as long as they are qualified and experienced in the field. Many people who get tattoos regret them later on, so if you want your work done right and well, it's crucial to work with someone who knows what they're doing.

Does a lack of Tattoos mean a lack of Skills and Judgment?

There are entire groups of tattoo artists who specialize in body modification and have their bodies covered with ink. But if you're considering getting a tattoo, should you trust someone whose skin is blank? Tattoos indeed fade as time passes, but there are still some good reasons why you might want to trust the judgment of an artist who doesn't have tattoos.

A good tattoo artist can advise what kind of tattoo will look best on your body type or face structure. A person with no ink might be more objective about those things than someone who has given themselves multiple pieces over the years.

In addition, to experience different styles and techniques, an artist without tattoos may also be able to help guide your decision based on knowledge from an outside perspective instead of just looking at themselves in the mirror every day!

Can You Trust an Untattooed Artist


To sum up, 'Yes' an Artist with no Tattoos can be Trusted.

Don't let the lack of tattoos on an artist's body be a deal breaker. After all, having tattoos on your body is unnecessary to be a good tattoo artist. What matters most is whether you can trust their work and portfolio.

Here's another thing to keep in mind: some artists only get tattoos on the body parts they cannot see themselves, like their backs. 

Think about it this way someone willing to put hours upon hours into researching and learning how to do something well will likely also put as much effort into practicing and transferring their skill. 

And as long as they are professional, clean, and respectful of their clients, they can be trusted with your body!

About the author


Meet Vlogigurl - tattoo artist extraordinaire, captivating model, and dynamic social media influencer. When she's not creating stunning tattoo art or striking a pose in front of the camera, she's sharing her experiences, tips, and artistic journey right here on her blog. She believes in sharing her world to inspire others, whether that's through a beautifully crafted tattoo or a behind-the-scenes look at her life in the spotlight. With an unwavering passion for her crafts and an eye for detail, Vlogigurl's words are sure to captivate, inspire, and entertain.

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